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Donating Books to the Library Toronto: Help the Friends of TPL Raise Funds for Library Programs and


The TMU University Library welcomes gifts in kind that meet our acceptance guidelines; however, due to space constraints and processing costs, we accept very few donations. The Library does consider offers of unique or rare books, personal papers and collections. Please see Archives & Special Collections information for Potential Donors or email for more information about the donations process.

donating books to the library toronto

The book collections of the University of Toronto, including the nucleus of what would later become the rare book collection, date from the fire of 1890, which destroyed the library and virtually every one of its books. A campaign to replace the library was mounted with such success that by 1900 the collections were not only bigger, but also better than they had been before the fire. Many generous individuals and institutions made in-kind donations at that time, including such outstanding acquisitions as Piranesi's Opera varie of 1750. A steady flow of gifts-in-kind has greatly enhanced the Fisher's holdings ever since. Some of these donations have been acknowledged in a series of exhibitions: Gifts from our Friends (1990), A Pride of Gifts (1995) and In Honour of our Friends (1999). Others are noted in the annual spring issue of the newsletter of the Friends of Fisher, the Halcyon.

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library120 St. George St.Toronto, ON, M5S 1A5fisher.library@utoronto.ca416-978-5285MapAbout web accessibility. Tell us about a web accessibility problem.About online privacy and data collection.

Add books to a local Little Free Diverse Library, start your own diverse little library, or mail books directly to Diverse Stories at 50 W. 72nd, Apt. 506, New York, NY 10023. Or, you can donate money or buy new books for the organization.

One of my favorite places to donate both books and magazines is to my local library. Even if the library does not need the magazines itself, for its patrons, many libraries hold a Friend of the Library Sale where they can sell your used magazines to help with their own fundraising.

Remember to check that the organization you are donating to accepts what you are looking to donate, as some have particular guidelines about magazines, textbooks and other text items you may be looking to get rid of. As well, although most organizations accept both new and used books, remember to donate books which are in good quality.

Salamu Aleikom,Coordinator of The Islamic Cultural Centre Toronto Project.More information about this project can be obtained at Toronto Muslim Events website. Insha-Allah if anyone wants donate some books please contact the coordinator of this project at 2ff7e9595c


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